Requirements for Stone and Gabion
Requirements for stone materials and packing
- When filling gabion stone material products must meet the following conditions:
- Rock material in its characteristics must comply with the project.
- Laying of the stone material by hand or mechanized or combined.
- Stone material optimally fit tightly together.
- In order to fill the gabion structures shall be used roughly trimmed natural or artificial stone material having the necessary strength, frost resistance and water resistance. You can use the local stone material with appropriate characteristics.
- The average density of the stone material for surface and submarine parts of structures determined by the erosion load and should not be less than 2300 kg/m3.
- Mechanized or manual laying of the stone material in the gabion structure should provide the bulk density of rock material over 1750 kg/m3.
- The stone material must meet the following requirements:
- The minimum linear dimension stone for gabion-water area, should be more than 1.3 nominal cell size of the grid.
- For gabions, operating in underwater conditions or in the zone of variable water level, the minimum size of stone should be more than 1.5 times the nominal size of the grid cell.
- The maximum size of stone - not exceeding 250 mm in size of the wave loads (weight) of rock material in accordance with the project, for gabion mattress no more than two thirds the height of the mattress.
- When laying stone materials in the construction of gabion is not allowed contact with the clay in lumps, plant and soil residues more than 0.5% of the stone.
Requirements for special gabion
- In cases of gabion structures in an environment of anti-water stream traveling at a speed of more than 5.5 m/s or in the zone of ice loads, it is necessary to implement additional protection to the front vertical surface of the reinforcing mesh gabions, and a layer of reinforced concrete. Thickness of the outer concrete cover must be not less than - 50 mm. The project should provide longitudinal and transverse channels for handling concrete pavement width of 50 mm, in increments of no more than 4 m.
- It is assumed in the project-based cases, to ensure watertightness of gabion structures, as an anti-activities to improve waterfront erosion of hydraulic structures of water bodies (dams, dikes, dams, canals and embankments), using a polymer film with a thickness of 1-1.5 mm PVC or HDPE (protected on both sides of geotextiles) or by impregnation of gabions hot sand bitumen mastic.
Inquiry for Our Product
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